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Introductions - Man was created by God, one person made from another, so that no one is born without a blood link. Some links grow and become strong and seemingly thicker than water, while others turn weak and weakened through religiosity, ethnicity, parties, bigotry, nepotism, etc. These stronger blood links called "bonds" appear in fields - magnetic field, plains that many have chosen to dwell today.

For this maiden edition under the theme "ACELDAMA" verse 20 is prioritized, which comprise of two verses from the book of Psalms - 69:25, 109:8.... I plead with you as a fellow worker in His vineyard that you carefully examine this message (acoustic audio recording), the words of God and I pray that the Lord Himself will visit you and give you a new heart for His work as recommended by Him. And may God in His infinite mercies be with you all, Amen.

Message 1: Introductions, Life of Judas Iscariot
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Message 2: Habitation Of Blood
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Message 3: The Bishopric
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This work is dedicated to two friends of mine (Church workers) whose lives have triggered the comely of God's word. Peace


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