Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding. Proverbs 17:28 AKJV
Going by today's reading, it's clear God prefers a quiet, silent world to a noisy one. As silent as light but effective in conquering the darkness around. That's it! Now faith itself is about professing and not confessing a belief. It is rather arts than acts. It's more creativity than mere wishing.
The other reason is that the Christian preaching work is not about talking but true living. How do you imagine someone coming to change you by talking? Does that not sound repulsive? This was why Lord Jesus while giving us the Great Commission in verse 20 of Matt 28, "Teaching them to observe..." All learning and real knowledge acquisition is by observation.
Lastly, 1 Pet 3:1 says that correcting a husband by words can be very insulting. But one thing his wife can do successfully is live the life, so without words, her husband can be corrected. This audio piece holds more than you can ever imagine. Download for a listen and full update. Peradventure, if you have any concerns or questions, reach out to us on WhatsApp at HEDFA MISSIONS. Till we meet again tomorrow God willing, stay Silent, stay blessed!
I Am PoS.
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